IDEAL Group, Inc. Android Development Team Apps

Best Voices (SVOX Sampler) 1.0
In 2009, IDEAL Apps4Android ported six betterTTS voices (US English, UK English, Italian, German, French, andSpanish) to run on the first release of Android (Cupcake).Apps4Android named their suite of voices, "Better Voices forCupcake®."Now, there are even better voices available on Android andApps4Android is pleased to bring this to the attention of Androidusers everywhere.All of IDEAL Apps4Android's accessibility applicationsincorporate the use of text-to-speech voices. Because of this, andbecause most text-to-speech users like high-quality human-soundingvoices, IDEAL Apps4Android is pleased to provide easy access to the"Best Voices for Android" on the market. Voices are available in 25languages which include a total of 37 voices. "Best Voices forAndroid" languages include: Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, CanadianFrench, Cantonese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, European Spanish, Finnish,French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean,Mandarin, Mexican Spanish, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Swedish,Turkish, UK English, and U.S. English.Not only does Apps4Android's "Best Voices for Android"application provide the ability to purchase the best voices on themarket, it permits users to sample the voices before purchasingthem! Best Voices for Android are only $2.99 each!Important note: Apps4Android's "Best Voices for Android" willonly run on smart devices running Android V2.2 (Froyo) andabove.
IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile® 2.0
Please see the instructions below.Disclaimer: "IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®" is an applicationdesigned to make it easy to install IDEAL Group applications thatare accessible, useful, educational, and entertaining foreveryone... including individuals with print disabilities."IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®" was conceived of, developed, and issupported by IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc."IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®" is not, in any manner, affiliatedwith T-Mobile®.IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc., alone, are solelyresponsible for "IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®."IDEAL Group "Access 4" applications are provided at"no-cost-to-users.""IDEAL Access 4 T-Mobile®" is customized for T-Mobile®subscribers in the United States, Austria, Czech Republic, Germany,United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Poland.T-Mobile® is a registered trademark of Deutsche Telekom AG.Instructions-----------------Please read the following completely before proceeding. Thankyou!Welcome! This application, an IDEAL “Accessible ApplicationInstaller,” is designed to make it easy to install IDEAL Groupapplications that are accessible, useful, educational, andentertaining for everyone... including individuals with printdisabilities.Once you start this application you will see a list of popularIDEAL Group apps. Beneath the description of each app you willeither see “Installed” or “Not Installed.” If a listed app isalready installed on your device, the word “Installed” will appear.If the app is not currently installed on your device, “NotInstalled” will appear. To install any of the “Not Installed”applications, please tap the icon for that app. You will then:1. See a message indicating that the app you have selected isnot installed on your device. You will then be prompted to select“OK” to install the app, or “Cancel” to abort the process.2. Click “OK.” You will be taken to the Google Play store.3. Install the app.4. After the installation has completed, an “Open” and “Cancel”button will appear.5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON. This will return you to the list ofapplications. Please note that the application you just installedwill display the words "Installed.”6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional,application you'd like to install.Important Notes:1. If you press the “Open” button (referenced in step 3) afterinstalling an app, it will open. To get back to the list of apps,please press the back button several times.2. Depending upon the version of Android your device is running,some of the apps may not be compatible with your device. As aresult, you may see an error message from Google Play Store. Theseerrors can be safely ignored. If you receive an error message,press the back button to get back to the list of apps.
IDEAL Access 4 Sprint® 2.0
Please see the instructions below.Disclaimer: "IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®" is an application designedto make it easy to install IDEAL Group applications that areaccessible, useful, educational, and entertaining for everyone...including individuals with print disabilities."IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®" was conceived of, developed, and issupported by IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc."IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®" is not, in any manner, affiliated withSprint®.IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc., alone, are solelyresponsible for "IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®." IDEAL Group "Access 4"applications are provided at "no-cost-to-users.""IDEAL Access 4 Sprint®" is customized for Sprint® subscribersin the United States.Sprint® is a registered trademark of Sprint CommunicationsCompany, L.P.Instructions-----------------Please read the following completely before proceeding. Thankyou!Welcome! This application, an IDEAL “Accessible ApplicationInstaller,” is designed to make it easy to install IDEAL Groupapplications that are accessible, useful, educational, andentertaining for everyone... including individuals with printdisabilities.Once you start this application you will see a list of popularIDEAL Group apps. Beneath the description of each app you willeither see “Installed” or “Not Installed.” If a listed app isalready installed on your device, the word “Installed” will appear.If the app is not currently installed on your device, “NotInstalled” will appear. To install any of the “Not Installed”applications, please tap the icon for that app. You will then:1. See a message indicating that the app you have selected isnot installed on your device. You will then be prompted to select“OK” to install the app, or “Cancel” to abort the process.2. Click “OK.” You will be taken to the Google Play store.3. Install the app.4. After the installation has completed, an “Open” and “Cancel”button will appear.5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON. This will return you to the list ofapplications. Please note that the application you just installedwill display the words “Installed.”6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional,application you'd like to install.Important Notes:1. If you press the “Open” button (referenced in step 3) afterinstalling an app, it will open. To get back to the list of apps,please press the back button several times.2. Depending upon the version of Android your device is running,some of the apps may not be compatible with your device. As aresult, you may see an error message from Google Play Store. Theseerrors can be safely ignored. If you receive an error message,press the back button to get back to the list of apps.
IDEAL Access 4 AT&T® 2.0
Please see the instructions below.Disclaimer: "IDEAL Access 4 AT&T®" is an applicationdesigned to make it easy to install IDEAL Group applications thatare accessible, useful, educational, and entertaining foreveryone... including individuals with print disabilities."IDEAL Access 4 AT&T®" was conceived of, developed, and issupported by IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc."IDEAL Access 4 AT&T®" is not, in any manner, affiliatedwith AT&T®.IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc., alone, are solelyresponsible for "IDEAL Access 4 AT&T®."IDEAL Group "Access 4" applications are provided at"no-cost-to-users.""Access 4 AT&T®" is customized for use by AT&T®subscribers in the United States.AT&T® is a registered trademark of American Telephone &Telegraph Company.Instructions-----------------Please read the following completely before proceeding. Thankyou!Welcome! This application, an IDEAL “Accessible ApplicationInstaller,” is designed to make it easy to install IDEAL Groupapplications that are accessible, useful, educational, andentertaining for everyone... including individuals with printdisabilities.Once you start this application you will see a list of popularIDEAL Group apps. Beneath the description of each app you willeither see “Installed” or “Not Installed.” If a listed app isalready installed on your device, the word “Installed” will appear.If the app is not currently installed on your device, “NotInstalled” will appear. To install any of the “Not Installed”applications, please tap the icon for that app. You will then:1. See a message indicating that the app you have selected isnot installed on your device. You will then be prompted to select“OK” to install the app, or “Cancel” to abort the process.2. Click “OK.” You will be taken to the Google Play store.3. Install the app.4. After the installation has completed, an “Open” and “Cancel”button will appear.5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON. This will return you to the list ofapplications. Please note that the application you just installedwill display the words “Installed.”6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional,application you'd like to install.Important Notes:1. If you press the “Open” button (referenced in step 3) afterinstalling an app, it will open. To get back to the list of apps,please press the back button several times.2. Depending upon the version of Android your device is running,some of the apps may not be compatible with your device. As aresult, you may see an error message from Google Play Store. Theseerrors can be safely ignored. If you receive an error message,press the back button to get back to the list of apps.
IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone® 2.0
Please see the instructions below.Disclaimer: "IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone®" is an applicationdesigned to make it easy to install IDEAL Group applications thatare accessible, useful, educational, and entertaining foreveryone... including individuals with print disabilities."IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone®" was conceived of, developed, and issupported by IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc."IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone®" is not, in any manner, affiliatedwith Vodafone.IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc., alone, are solelyresponsible for "IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone®" IDEAL Group "Access 4"applications are provided at "no-cost-to-users.""IDEAL Access 4 Vodafone®" is customized for Vodafone®subscribers in Australia, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, France,United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand,Portugal, and Romania.Vodafone® is a registered trademark of the Vodafone Group.Instructions-----------------Please read the following completely before proceeding. Thankyou!Welcome! This application, an IDEAL “Accessible ApplicationInstaller,” is designed to make it easy to install IDEAL Groupapplications that are accessible, useful, educational, andentertaining for everyone... including individuals with printdisabilities.Once you start this application you will see a list of popularIDEAL Group apps. Beneath the description of each app you willeither see “Installed” or “Not Installed.” If a listed app isalready installed on your device, the word “Installed” will appear.If the app is not currently installed on your device, “NotInstalled” will appear. To install any of the “Not Installed”applications, please tap the icon for that app. You will then:1. See a message indicating that the app you have selected isnot installed on your device. You will then be prompted to select“OK” to install the app, or “Cancel” to abort the process.2. Click “OK.” You will be taken to the Google Play store.3. Install the app.4. After the installation has completed, an “Open” and “Cancel”button will appear.5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON. This will return you to the list ofapplications. Please note that the application you just installedwill display the words "Installed.”6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional,application you'd like to install.Important Notes:1. If you press the “Open” button (referenced in step 3) afterinstalling an app, it will open. To get back to the list of apps,please press the back button several times.2. Depending upon the version of Android your device is running,some of the apps may not be compatible with your device. As aresult, you may see an error message from Google Play Store. Theseerrors can be safely ignored. If you receive an error message,press the back button to get back to the list of apps.
Document Knowledge Miner Beta 1.0
Objective=======The objective of Document Knowledge Miner is to enable individualswith print disabilities, AND EVERYONE ELSE, to more easily acquireknowledge from digital files (PDF, Word, EPUB, RTF, and textfiles)... even if those files were not created with accessibility,usability, or readability in mind..This is accomplished through indirect use (through the app) ofIDEAL Group's, cloud-based, Knowledge Discovery engine..When Document Knowledge Miner Launches=================================1. Searches your Android device for files intended to beread;2. Presents a list of all files found;3. The user is then able to filter, sort, and select any file theywish to summarize;4. The user taps on the name of the file they wish tosummarize;5. The file is automatically uploaded to IDEAL GroupsKnowledge-Discovery engine;6. The file is processed. Steps include:- Intelligent parsing;- Removing structure, navigation, and presentation elements;- Identifying key/concept words;- Ranking key/concept words by frequency and importance;- Establishing relationships between all key/concept words- Summarizing references to key/concept words; and,- Providing all collateral back to the user.The user can then opt to:- Drive down into each key/concept word directly to readkey/concept word summaries; or,- Convert the results into a fully-accessible ePub..We recommend converting results into ePubs..Important Notes============- Processes documents may take several minutes to complete;- We do not process DRM-protected, text-image-based, or very largefiles;- Processing large files, or collections of files will be pay-forservices;- Summarizations are not designed to replace readingdocuments;- Summarizations are intended to supplement learning..If you opt to convert your summaries into ePubs you will need tohave an ePub reader installed on your Android device. We recommendinstalling IDEAL Group Reader, our fully-accessible,fully-compatible Android ePub3 reader (free). It is available fromGoogle's Play Store..Benefits of Key/Concept Word Summaries===============================- Highlight what is important- Enhance comprehension- Reduce confusion- Enables more concise understandings- Helps to relate to and build upon prior knowledge- Makes it easier to acquire new knowledge and understand supportinformation;.More Notes=========In addition to this Android app, direct computer-based access toIDEAL Group's Knowledge-Discovery services enable users, throughthe use of a browser on any platform device, toautomatically:- List all key/concept words alphabetically and byimportance;- Generate summaries based upon user-selected concept words;- Generate interactive mind maps from each user-selectedkey/concept word;- Provide files suitable for importing into powerful third-partyapplications;.Examples of Browser-Based Knowledge-Discovery Results=========================================== Overview=============== More Information===============For more information please contact Steve Jacobs, President, IDEALGroup, Inc. | CEO, Apps4Android, Inc. | [email protected]| Phone: (614) 777-0660 | TTY: (800) 750-0750.Credits======The Document Knowledge Miner development project was funded, inpart, by The App Factory, a project hosted by TheRehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) for WirelessTechnologies. The RERC for Wireless Technologies is sponsored bythe National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research(NIDRR) of The U.S. Department of Education under grant numberH133E110002. Note: Opinions expressed in this presentation arethose of IDEAL Group, Inc., Apps4Android, Inc. and/or ContextDiscovery Inc. and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S.Department of Education or NIDRR.
GuideDroid 2.0
Important Notes Please==================1. If you discover a bug in our Beta version of GuideDroid® wewould appreciate your not giving it a bad rating. Instead, pleasereach your hand out to meet ours by sending us an e-mail describingthe bug. We will do everything in our power to duplicate and fixit. Many thanks!2. Since we initially developed GuideDroid® in support ofindividuals with cognitive disabilities/low vision navigating theirway around college campuses, GuideDroid® initially starts in"Walking Directions" mode. This is why you will see what appears tobe very long time estimates to get to your destination as comparedto driving there. To switch GuideDroid® into "Driving Directions,""Public Transportation," or "Biking" mode, please use the followinginstructions: Please see the "Credits" at the bottom of this description.Thank you.Description=========GuideDroid®, is a highly-featured, fully-accessible, mainstream GPSapplication for use by everyone… including individuals withcognitive (and other) print disabilities.Once a destination address is entered, GuideDroid® can providewalking, biking, driving, and transit directions. When used forwalking directions, GuideDroid® shows users where they are as theywalk, and continually announces street addresses near their currentwalking location. GuideDroid® can automatically navigate users tothe location of an address book contact, assuming that the contactprofile includes address information.GuideDroid® Also Provides=====================* 3-D imagery;* Compass mode;* Business listings;* Distances to destinations (in minutes and miles);* GeoCoding;* Indoor Maps (for some locations);* Maps history;* Rerouting guidance;* Route connection paths;* Route previews;* Step-by-step walking instructions;* The ability to receive phone calls while navigating;* Traffic incident announcements;* Traffic views;* Transit station info sheets;* Voice guidance for eyes-free operation;* Zoom in/out satellite and street views;* And much more!GuideDroid® Information Resources============================* Home Page:* Documentation:® Map Functionality by Country=================================* Biking Directions:* Business Listings:* Driving Directions:* GeoCoding:* Map Tiles:* Street View:* Traffic: Functionality===============This newly designed Maps app for Android phones and tablets makesnavigating your world faster and easier. Find the best spots intown and the information you need to get there.- Comprehensive, accurate maps in 200 countries- Voice-guided GPS navigation for driving, biking, andwalking- Transit directions and maps for over 2,800 cities- Live traffic, incident reports, and dynamic re-routing- Detailed information on more than 100 million places- Street View and indoor imagery for restaurants, museums, andmore* Some features not available in all countries* You can make a map area available offline by tapping thesearch box and selecting “Make this map area available offline”Visit to learn more.We would also like to thank the App Factory, a project hosted bythe Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center (RERC) for WirelessTechnologies for their ongoing encouragement, guidance, andsupport. The RERC for Wireless Technologies is sponsored by theNational Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research(NIDRR) of the U.S. Department of Education under grant numberH133E110002.
IDEAL Talking Tags 1.3
IDEAL Talking Tags is a talking labelmaker/reader application, designed in support of accommodating theaccess needs of individuals who are blind. IDEAL Talking Tags isbased on Apps4Android's Near Field Communication (NFC) Tec-Tiles.For more information please see: minimum hardware and firmware requirements for running theapplication is an Android, Near Field Communication (NFC)-enabled,smartphone running Android V4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).Identive Group Type 2 (42mm diameter) NFC tags (ISO/IEC 14443 A1-3 compliant; NTAG chip; Passive RFID 13.56MHz) were used to Betatest IDEAL Talking Tags. They worked perfectly. They costapproximately $0.80 each in quantities of 100.For more information: purchasing a large quantity of NFC tags, purchase a fewof them. Test them with the app. If they work, fine. If not, it isa tag issue... not an app issue.Talking labels can provide audible guidance in identifying avariety of different items including clothing, food containers andother household products. Talking labels can also provide audibleguidance in identifying and taking medications. Talking labels areoften used by individuals with vision-impairments.Instructions for use:1. Launch IDEAL Talking Tags. You should hear, "Touch thescreen. Speak your message and let go of the screen when you aredone. IDEAL Talking Tags."2. Touch the screen and speaking the words you want torecord.3. When you release your finger you will hear, "Touch and holdthe screen to preview your recording. Let go when done."4. After previewing your recording you should hear, "Scan theNFC tag you wish to associate with this recording."5. You can then touch the back of your phone to an NFC tag ofthe type describe above.6. Hence forth whenever you touch your smartphone to this tag,you smartphone will play the associated recording.
2014 Voter Information Guide 1.6
IDEAL Accessible Voter Information GuideBetaprompts users to enter their address. The app then submitstheaddress information to Google's Civic Information Knowledgebaseandretrieves voting information specific to that address.Informationincludes, among other things, polling place, earlyvoting location,candidate data, and election official information.Before beingpresented to the user, this information isautomatically compiledinto an accessible eBook designed to be readby IDEAL GroupReader®, a fully accessible, "no-cost-to-the-user"ePub 3 Reader(or any other ePub 3 Reader on any platform). If theuser does nothave an ePub 3 reader installed on their Androiddevice at the timethe ePub is generated, they will be provided theopportunity todownload IDEAL Group Reader® which will automaticallyload theircustomized voter information guide and present it to themas aneBook.**** IDEAL Group Reader®: ***** Reads text aloud (just like an audio book).* Highlights sections of text as they are being read.* Enables users to take notes using speech recognition,highlightsections of text to be remembered, and then gather alltheimportant notes together in one place.* Can display and read aloud (assuming that the appropriatevoicesare installed on the Android device) books in thefollowinglanguages: Arabic, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English,Finnish,French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Icelandic, Italian,Japanese,Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak,Spanish,Swedish, Thai, Turkish, and Welsh.* Provides significantly improved accessibility: Thisincludesenhanced navigation including jumping to specific chapters,pages,and passages.* Plays audio tracks and display videos embedded inePub3texts.* Provides MathML support; and,* Much, much, more.VIG Beta is being developed by Apps4Android, Inc. and wasfundedby The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation(ITIF)through a grant from the U.S. Election AssistanceCommission.Feedback and/or suggestions are very much appreciated.Please send them to [email protected]
IDEAL Access 4 Verizon® 2.0
Please see the instructions below.Disclaimer: "IDEAL Access 4 Verizon®" is an applicationdesignedto make it easy to install IDEAL Group applications thatareaccessible, useful, educational, and entertaining foreveryone...including individuals with print disabilities."IDEAL Access 4 Verizon®" was conceived of, developed, andissupported by IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc."IDEAL Access 4 Verizon®" is not, in any manner, affiliatedwithVerizon®.IDEAL Group, Inc. and Apps4Android, Inc., alone, aresolelyresponsible for "IDEAL Access 4 Verizon®."IDEAL Group "Access 4" applications are providedat"no-cost-to-users."Verizon® is a registered trademark of VerizonCommunications,Inc.Instructions-----------------Please read the following completely before proceeding.Thankyou!Welcome! This application, an IDEAL “AccessibleApplicationInstaller,” is designed to make it easy to install IDEALGroupapplications that are accessible, useful, educational,andentertaining for everyone... including individuals withprintdisabilities.Once you start this application you will see a list ofpopularIDEAL Group apps. Beneath the description of each app youwilleither see “Installed” or “Not Installed.” If a listed appisalready installed on your device, the word “Installed” willappear.If the app is not currently installed on your device,“NotInstalled” will appear. To install any of the “NotInstalled”applications, please tap the icon for that app. You willthen:1. See a message indicating that the app you have selected isnotinstalled on your device. You will then be prompted to select“OK”to install the app, or “Cancel” to abort the process.2. Click “OK.” You will be taken to the Google Play store.3. Install the app.4. After the installation has completed, an “Open” and“Cancel”button will appear.5. PRESS THE BACK BUTTON. This will return you to the listofapplications. Please note that the application you justinstalledwill display the words “Installed.”6. Go back to step 1 and repeat for each, additional,applicationyou'd like to install.Important Notes:1. If you press the “Open” button (referenced in step 3)afterinstalling an app, it will open. To get back to the list ofapps,please press the back button several times.2. Depending upon the version of Android your device isrunning,some of the apps may not be compatible with your device. Asaresult, you may see an error message from Google Play Store.Theseerrors can be safely ignored. If you receive an errormessage,press the back button to get back to the list of apps.
Speech2RTT® Communicator 0.9.88
About ---------- Speech2RTT® Communicator, an IDEALGroupinnovation, is an Android-based mobile app that handles all ofthefollowing processes, locally, on smart phones: 1.Speechrecognition/transcription/in-context error correction;2.Immediate, real-time, streaming of the text, generated in step#1;and, 3. Two-way, real-time text, communications.Speech2RTT®Communicator enables users who are deaf, hard ofhearing,late-deafened, and speech-impaired (with medium-fine motorcontrolof their hands and fingers), to communicate with anyone,includingpeople who can hear, speak, and see. Users are given theoption ofcommunicating using: 1. Speech to real-time texttechnology; or, 2.A virtual/physical/Bluetooth smart phonekeyboard. Speech2RTT®Communicator accommodates users in 90+countries: Once aconnection isestablished using a phone number, every word eachuserspeaks/types, in any one of 60+languages: Their speech isthentranscribed into text, error corrected, and streamed (inreal-time)to each other’s smart phone. If a user opts not to speak,or isunable to speak, they can type what they wish to say usingtheirsmart phone’s virtual, physical, or Bluetooth keyboard. In thecaseof using speech to real-time text, words are streamedone-by-one.In the case of typing, words are streamedcharacter-by-character,in real-time. Benefits ------------- * 24×7Availability: Availablefor use at any time, 24 hours a day, 365days a year; * Allowssharing chat conversations with participants;* Allows users tosearch through contacts easily to locate people; *Automaticallycompresses the text being streamed, in real-time, foroptimalbandwidth use: * Continue a previous conversations fromwhere itlast left off, if you desire to do so; * Conversations are100%private as no communications assistants (CAs) are involved;*Customized word prediction and word expansions viaspecializedkeyboards; * Enables users to communicate while on thego since itis a mobile app; * Fast: Less than 300 ms latency; * Nolimitsimposed on lengths of Real Time Text (RTT) conversations; *Novoice-training is needed, even with accents; * Permitscallingpeople even if their installation of Speech2RTT®Communicator isnot active; * Portable and Convenient: No specialtelephones, orother equipment, needed; * Private: Conversations are100% privatesince your conversations do not involve communicationassistants(CAs); * Provides free local, national, and international(RTT)conversations; * Secure: Provides end-to-end encryption;*Streaming text will automatically “catch up” should there beanunstable network connection;Disclaimer: PrivacyPolicy: Guidelines forUse: InstallationManual: UserManual:
IDEAL U.S. Currency Identifier 2.0
Identifies U.S. currency notes for people with vision impairments.
Smart Home Helper 1.0.18
Offers text-to-speech control of voice-activated smart home devices